The PCandTool Story

Find out what we do, who we are &
how we improve ad bidding for you.


PCandTool improves ad budget management for digital marketers in any industry. Our continuous bid analysis & placement platform was built to allow you unprecedented control and flexibility to maximize your media buying campaigns.

Our automated, 24/7 system enables marketers who rely on Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and more to optimize ad bids without tedious, costly manual intervention.

The PCandTool platform was born out of a need to "fill the gap" between current ad bidding limitations and the optimal bidding environment - complete with API integrations, automated bid placement, and machine-learning bid optimization.

"PCandTool is here to make digital marketers more revenue and deliver higher ROI from their ad budgets." - CEO Noam Friedman

meet our team



Luca Bluer



PCandTool developed its leading-edge platform quickly, completing several key milestones by early 2017.

Initial traffic acquisition for testing followed shortly thereafter. Once the Google AdWords API integration and updated backend were in place, the statistical model and bidding algorithm were tested.

The PCandTool engine was created to make optimized bidding easier and simpler by harnessing the power and scale of cloud & Big Data.

We're here to help you focus on what matters, freeing you from the timeconsuming, tedious tasks of campaign optimization and bid adjustment.

The result is one of the most sophisticated bid analysis and placement engine available.

Let us do the heavy lifting – it’s easier and more productive when you let our proven algorithms automate your analysis and bid submissions!

how we do it

We create sophisticated bid management and monitoring tools that automate bidding using machine learning connected through APIs and Big Data technologies. Plus, we embed sophisticated buying algorithms for keywords and banners that differentiate bid pricing and lean on predictive statistical models to determine the optimal price point.


Our technology

The PCandTool platform provides hourly bid adjustments 24/7 as it builds robust audience profiles based on accumulated data. The AI engine delivers granular ad targeting and scalable automation, constantly refining its bid optimization as conditions change.